Product management is a very diverse field with roles greatly varying across the types/sizes of companies and the stage that the product is in itself in.
Nevertheless, here are some of the resources that I have found useful to look at:
This is a great talk for anyone who wants to get a basic understanding of the facets of product management. I end up going back to this talk from time to time as it's great to go back to fundamentals and make sure you're aligned with it.
Has a great range of resources and links to things that might interest you in the product management space.
Paras Chopra gives a great insight into the sheer maddness that goes into building products and the effort needed to finally "crack" what works and achieves Product Market Fit. Highly recommend watching this candid talk.
An often sighted article that has a lot of great core principles about how to go about building a product. I dont think the super human style of PMF (or onboarding) makes sense for every type of product but there are some great lessons to learn overall.
A talk by Deb Dutta on how PMs can do completely different things depending on the scenario. This talk gives an insight into how product management looks like for products that are tech intensive (in this case it's the PayPal AI / ML fraud prevention mechanism)