Future Dance Wave - 26-11-2023

Deets: 26-11-2023 (Sunday / Today) ~ 8-9pm ~ Indiranagar social ~ RSVP

Genre: Acid House, House, Acid (all mixed with Indian Fusion)

Vibes: Clarity, New beginnings, Intuitive wisdom, Fierce grace

Set is dedicated to:

βš› SV (my Guru) βš› Mini Master Ji πŸ™

βš› Kiran, Goa Gil πŸ™ (You left too soon? The truth is that you never left)

βš› Rajo, Kandy, Kanupriya, Tanmay Nagori, My Dad, Joga Bhai, Swayam, Abhilipsa

βš› Satyam, Nayantara, Akshay Narayanan, Nishith, Hisab Dada, Naren

Set pointers

βš› Alchemy, blend and create something new

βš› Long stretched out extended tracks.

βš› Push the boundaries for what is in the moment vs what is predetermined

βš› Acid baseline and drums will guide us on the journey

Potent Quotes

βš› β€œThe reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” - George Bernard Shaw

βš› "Not my monkey, not my circus"

βš› "Most relationships are about showing up"

βš› "You surf with some people, but you don't dive with them"

βš› "Conserve energy to find your momentum"

βš› "I am clear on who I am not. Who I am is still a work in progress."

Thoughts / State of Mind

βš› Intuition is defined by the ability to know something to be true without know why it is so.

βš› Intuition is when the knowing is not learnt but is "just present" or "just so"

βš› How do you reconcile when you know something that you cannot explain ?

βš› How do you handle a situation where you know what the outcome is going to be already ?

βš› When you feel confident and sure of who you are, the universe bends its ways for it to happen just that way. The key is to tap into that without get lost in the coolness or the ego of it.

βš› When you are with yourself and are at peace with your mind, then no force in the world can seduce you. you have nothing to be seduced by

βš› At peace with your mind = Accepting the mind for what it is (good, bad, chaotic, ugly, bitter etc) - just that you are not resistant to it

βš› There is no person more free than the one who has no needs and has everything that they need

βš› All we can do is to be here now. All we can do is to walk each other home.

I wish you a better understanding of yourself,

- Shiv

"I only see further because I stand on the shoulders of giants."

I have been floating about on the an ocean of love .. carried by the winds of desire of the beings that I devote myself to.