10-11-2023 (Friday / Today) ~ 8-9pm ~ Indiranagar social ~ RSVP Link
Guest list / Interaction with the set:
Genre: Bass / Dub / Wonky / Indian Fusion
Vibes: Intense / Dark / Pain / Spiritual Dancey
⚛ Every human experiences pain, rejection, fear, and insecurity.
⚛ There is darkness in our lives that cannot be avoided or hidden.
⚛ Music can be a way to work through these issues and become a better person.
⚛ It's important to create a space for introspection and growth, even if it's slightly darker.
⚛ Let the tracks breathe.
⚛ Let the music makers express themselves.
⚛ Sometimes less is more and today is one of the day
⚛ No fancy mixing. No looping.
⚛ Clean and simple transitions so that I experience and feel and be through my set.
Priyansha (It's her birthday today!)
ZoHouse Koramangala (Couldnt have done it without them)
Kiran (never passed away, only passed on)
Nafisa, Vishesh, Nitish, Aayush, Aparajita, Ira, Triparna, James
Rishi, Deb, Digvijay, Abhishek, Tassneem, Chan
The O-27 Trifecta (SLiK)
⚛ There is darkness in our lives. You cannot run away from it. You cannot hide it. You have to deal with it.
⚛ Every human in the world feels pain, rejection, fear, insecurity, and some more. We project ourselves as someone who is not effected by this because we feel that it will make people will think lesser of us.
⚛ Eventually it comes back to bite you because you cannot be suppressed. If you try to live a life of delusion, eventually sooner or later, it will come and bite you because your brain cannot live a dissociative life.
⚛ Case in point my scene in my life right now. I'm going through a phase where I have not dealt with my stuff adequately and hence have a lot of darkness.
⚛ Typically we look at music as something that's happy. You lose your mind and you forget all the worries in the world. But there's also side of music wher you work with your issues. You can work and be a better person - you can self actualize, you can spiritualize, you can have a plan for yourself. You can evaluate your life and you can experience calmness for a second.
⚛ It's not always about drinking and getting drunk. I'm not saying that that is not good, there is a time and place where that is absolutely great. But there are also times when it's not. So my set is very much about creating a space that is slightly darker but very meaningful and extremely intense. Such that people can work on things.
⚛ Why? Because that's my state of mind. And I've been asked to play so I cannot not be true to my own self.
I wish you a better understanding of yourself,
- Shiv
"I only see further because I stand on the shoulders of giants."
I wish I was stronger / I wish I was better / I wish I was more at welness - but I am who I am right now and so are you 💗
Except some / all / none of crying. I hope you join me in dealing with your pain and not running away from it